
The reason for my presence at Hospice House is to offer the spiritual healing energy of Reiki. There is no religion attached to Reiki and it is safe for everyone.

Always Reiki is healing

Always Reiki enhances the quality of life.

Whether the days of life to be lived

are many or few.

Reiki is a Holistic system using spiritual energy to balance all aspects of the person: body, mind, emotion, and spirit. This is done by a light laying on of hands, or if it causes pain to be touched, in the aura two inches above the body.

When a disease or medical condition has already progressed to the point where physical recovery is not possible, Reiki still relieves symptoms, reduces pain and eases emotional distress. When the person is ready, Reiki assists in accepting the peace of death.

For the family, Reiki eases emotional distress, making this final journey with their loved one less painful.

There is never a charge for treatments at Hospice.

I am honoured to be a part of your journey.

Maggie Vardy – Reiki Practitioner


Reiki does not replace medical treatments by instead enhances them.