About Reiki

About Reiki

Reiki is one of the most ancient healing methods known to mankind. It originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by a Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui on Mount Kurama in Japan. Reiki {pronounced Ray – Kee} is a form of Divine energy healing, a safe non-invasive healing technique which uses spiritual energy to treat physical and emotional ailments without using pressure, manipulation or massage but by working in the aura with a gentle laying on of hands. Reiki is a simple but profound, gentle but powerful holistic system used for balancing all aspects of the person: body mind, emotions and spirit. It can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.

Reiki and Health

There are three functions our bodies need to perform in order to maintain health and well being. We need to breathe well, sleep well, and digest well. We can think of stress as anything that compromises these functions. When breathing, sleep, or digestion is weakened we need to regain and maintain balanced and healthy function. Reiki can help by gently carrying a person along the path to deep rest.

As Reiki provides deep relaxation, the spiraling effects of stress begin to unravel. By improving breathing, sleep, and digestion, Reiki helps to restore the functions that lead to recovery and wellness. Reiki supports our well-being and strengthens our natural ability to heal by encouraging balance.

Reiki is an invitation to wellness

Reiki and Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine is necessary for treating and managing symptoms of many diseases, and Reiki can be used to support conventional medical treatments.

It hastens surgical recovery and reduces side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Reiki can smooth the rough edges of necessary but invasive medical treatments and enables patients to tolerate needed pharmaceuticals.

Reiki can never cause harm. There is nothing invasive about how Reiki is administered. The Reiki touch is light and not manipulative. If touch is painful, if there are burns or open wounds, Reiki can be administered in the aura – a few inches above the body. There is no need to be moved, if movement is uncomfortable, and there is never a need to remove clothing.

If the person in need of Reiki’s healing energy is not able to be present, Reiki can be sent through distance.

Reiki can be safely practiced in any situation, and there are no medical contraindications.

Clearly Reiki is not the only treatment needed, but it can be used as a continuing support and as a gateway to other needed therapies.

I believe that Reiki sits at the intersection of Science & Spirituality